Triple Helix Nigeria SciBiz Oct 23-25, 2024

Using the Triple Helix model and innovation ecosystems to drive corporate innovation success.

Jun 23, 2023

Triple Helix Model and innovation ecosystems provides organizations with opportunities to collaborate, access knowledge and research, attract talent, secure funding, validate innovations in the market, and influence supportive policies.

Co-create with Government

Corporations can actively collaborate with the Nigerian government by participating in policy discussions, providing inputs on innovation-related regulations, and supporting initiatives that promote collaboration between academia and industry. 


Embed research in companies

Corporations can invest in start-ups that are based on research and technology developed within Nigerian universities. This investment can provide financial support, mentorship, and resources to help these start-ups scale and commercialize their innovations. 

Create Learning Ecosystems that are integrated into universities

It Involves developing joint programs, internships, and research collaborations that provide students with hands-on experience in solving real-world industry problems. 


Explore Advance Knowledge System using AI

AI-powered platforms can facilitate knowledge sharing, matchmaking between researchers and industry experts, and identification ofresearch areas with high commercialization potential. 

Create the environment for workplace experimentation

Create an environment within corporations that encourages experimentation and risk-taking. This can involve allocating dedicated resources for research and development projects, setting up innovation labs or incubators, and implementing policies that supports intrapreneurship. 

Funding and Incentives

it includes grants, tax incentives, and subsidies specifically targeted atcollaborative research and innovation projects between academia, industry, and government. Encouraging public-private partnerships and co-funding initiatives can further stimulate investment in research and development.

Skills Development

Actively participating in shaping educational programs, corporations can ensure that graduates possess the necessary skills and knowledge required for the evolving demands of the corporate innovation ecosystem.

Knowledge Exchange Platforms

Create platforms and networks for knowledge exchange, such as innovation conferences, industry-academia forums, and collaborative workshops. These platforms provide opportunities for stakeholders to share best practices, learn from each other's experiences, and establish valuable connections.


Create Commercial models to reward universities

This can motivate stakeholders to actively participate in the triple helix model and showcase their achievements, further encouraging others to engage in collaborative innovation efforts.

Integrating Education into the Workspace

Collaborate with universities to offer internships, training programs, and joint research projects. This integrates academic knowledge with practical experience, fostering a skilled
workforce and promoting continuous learning within the corporate environment.

Investing in Research-Based Start-ups

Identify promising start-ups based on research from Nigerian universities and provide financial support, mentorship, and resources to help them scale and commercialize their innovations. This collaboration facilitates knowledge transfer, access to networks, and potential partnerships, driving innovation within the corporate ecosystem.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, 05 September 2024 16:00pm

Theme: Strategies for Integrating Innovation, Research and Business Ventures
